At the highest peak of the tall mountain within the area Kaisui would appear using the Body Flame technique. Up so high in the atmosphere Kai finds it the perfect place to start Wind Elemental training as he can better study the motions of the wind from so high up.
To begin Kai falls into a meditative stance spreading out all his senses so that he can feel all of the energies around him. This however proves difficult as he is no sage. Not to be dettered Kai contines this approach seeing it as the best one and clears his mind of all things but feeling the motions of the wind, hearing the whispers and smelling the scents it carries, feeling its gentle caress and its stinging embrace, it violent force and hearing its deafening howl. Kai knows this method is tedious but he finds it may be more effective than using his Lightning style Shadow clones to help him in the same way Naruto did seeing as how he isn't already aligned to wind like naruto was and is rather trying to force his chakra to align with the wind like it does with lightning which in itself is even harder to do.
For three straight hours Kai would just stand in that meditative stance of his focused solely on studing the wind. After three hours Kai begins to channel his chakra out into the atmosphere to feel the wind with it. While doing this Kai is struck with and idea and after another three hours go by, he would test his idea by switching the chakra he is channeling to lightning natured chakra. Now using lightning chakra while still in a meditative trance, Kai uses his lightning chakra to try and feel out the wind.