I'm returning for one thing because apparently I'm not able to slip away with leaving someone to handle things till I could return. So now these following annoucements are officially permantely
- THERE IS A MAX OF 15 PEOPLE WHO CAN CREATED JOUNINS. A course you must prove your rp skills first towards me and send me a rp sample of anything but has to be a total of 500 words.
-Four more people may created a Chuunin for their character, or if you want to try to promoted your genin to chuunin then pm me and I will set up a test with a NPC character who leads the exam.
-I will be evaluating profiles now myself, if I post on your profile about something - Please do it or else I will be very harsh and do something worst.
-No more are there minium jutsus needed to approved a profile with. As long as you have some kind of jutsus that you are planning to use then add them when you apply your profile. Otherwise they must be train before they can be approved on your profile.
-Please new members begin to roleplay with us
We are happy to have you here and hope you enjoy the site. If you have any questions then pm one of our staff members and we'll help you out the best we can.