The beginning of a journey is always the part when Ryo feels the most anticipation. It is here that is the last point of which all can be known. Anything after the beginning is a mystery and anything could happen. This was what he thought as he leapt form the cliffs of the mountain range that acts as the gates of his hidden village onto the tree tops below.
Landing with a thud, in a crouch on a high branch. Then vanishing from there, causing the branch he was on to shatter into splinters because of the high speed of which he took off, as he used his great speed to transverse the forest tops as he began his travels. He wanted to set a new record for traveling and he figured the fastest way was to get to the rivers and take a boat down to the out skirts of the village. He didn’t know exactly where it was..but he had heard of it’s general location and that he was banking on.