Here's what happened.. something happened to the well at my house so I have no water at my house. Because of this, I am being forced by my parents to either live in town in a REALLY small house, or to live with my grandparents until we figure out if the well can be fixed or if we have to completely dig a new one, which will cost us nearly $3,000. e.e'' Anyway.. until then I don't know if I will be able to get online hardly at all because of not living at home and going to school sooo.. I will try to get online atleast once a day to check on things but until then if I can't get online:
Aloide is in charge - my number is (1308) 660-1913 if anything serious happens and anyone needs to get ahold of me right away o.o
I will miss you all so much and I will try to be on as much as I can!!! Bai bai til then! ^^