The story begins with a man entering a region with many top notch fighters, unrivaled by any other place. His life begins known as Shikamaruftw on a place known as Naruto Fighters. Shikamaruftw appears and looks around to see what is going on, there is a big crowd of people surrounding one area, he walks towards the commotion to see what is going on. There are three men, one known as the top fighter master of all Xzeno's "Old Man Xzeno", The other known as XzenKanko, and the last XzenKokite. Kanko had done something that disobeyed Xzeno law and was being punished for this, the punishment was death....
Kokite, being Kanko's best friend showed pity to the man and decided to take up arms against the leader of Xzeno's knowing they had no chance of victory. Kanko struck first, dashin at the man with his sword drawn by his side, he took a slash at the man, the blade seemed to connect with his body but didn't leave a mark. The Old Man smiled and with one kick sent Kanko flying, whom quickly recovered, He knew from that point forward that they wouldn't be able to attack with weak attacks they would have to work together as a team to tarnish this mans legacy.
They came up with a plan one to attack with quick attacks to disturb his outter chakra, which was what was keeping him from being slashed and the other to make a move that would penetrate what is left. Kanko being the faster of the too stepped quickly at the man he vanished quit a few times infusing wind onto his blade taking slashes at the the area around the Old Man, the condensed air compressed the chakra and make it explode out, when that explosion happened it dammage Kanko greatly, but this was their only chance to get a good attack on the Old Man. Kokite Infused lightning into his blade and following the explosion of chakra he dashed quickly at the man taking a strong stab at his stomach, along with the infused lightning he had an Xzeno Seal, #16 to be exact, one that shot hundreds of poisoned needles at the opponent and paralyzes them.
Kokite, feeling like he connected smirked a little but then noticed that his attack failed him, the Old Man had summoned the Xzeno Titans, who obsorbed the attack with ease, these were no regular Titans, they were strong willed killing machines, ones that were rivaled by only the strongest. After many attempts at taking downt he titans, Kokite and Kanko were defeated. They lay on the ground side by side bleeding horrificly, but they had no regrets, they knew what they did was right. The Old Man, not known for his empathy spared their lives that day, surprising everyone.
(Done for one day need to get more details on people's names and such before I continue.)