1. Would you love to read Alli's very personal diary?
-Of course! o_o
2. What would you do if Asa and Tsumi were going out?
-... No more incest. Q_Q...
3. Yuki and Ici are forced to roleplay out a verbal couple fight. Who gets to play the wife?
-Ici, cuz, well... o.o;; Nvm...
4. If Aloide played in a movie, what kind of character would they play?
-Playboy. o_o
5. How do your and Sora's talents add up?
-Sora's too awesome to be compared with me. v_v;;
6. Would you love to read Kazu's very personal diary?
-... In bed.
7. What if you found out that Ici was secretly an alien plotting to take over the world together with Maru?
-Well, that could like, actually happen right now, without the 'alien' part. o_o;;
8. What song could be Maru's theme song?
-'The Theme Song' -By Yakate Veroshi.
9. Have you ever had lunch together with Laria?
-No. v_v;;
10. Do you miss Tsumi?
-Yes. D: