There once was a great continent on the far east side of the globe; a continent inhabited by extraordinary people. These people lived like any other. They owned businesses, raised families, and had their own form of governments.
Then, the Great Ninja War begun. Families were torn apart, hundreds of thousands of innocent people died. The war was so cataclysmic that nearly every village was torn apart and burned to the ground; farmland desecrated so badly it became unable to produce even a blade of grass. Most of the continent became nothing but a desolate wasteland littered with corpses of humans and animals alike. This was the worst war the world had ever seen, and many work on preventing another from striking ever again.
Ever since the war, villages promised instead of having vast armies, they would have a select number of people called “shinobi” or ninja. These ninja were trained highly in different forms of fighting to protect their village when called upon. These ninja report to a head-honcho so to speak, called a Kage. Each shinobi-based village has a Kage, and in this land there are currently three Kages; one in the Ash village, Sand village, and Aurora village.
Each village is part of a different country. There are many countries, but due to the war only three ninja villages still remain. The Ash village is located in the Fire country; a land of vast forest and hills. The Sand village is located in the Wind country; a land of deserts. And finally the Aurora village is located in the Snow country; a land of glaciers and mountains.
Things seem to be peaceful with the three villages, but word through the land is that a new group of outlaws called the Shadow Knights are planning something big. Perhaps another war? Only word is that this group is not good, and not to be messed with. Another group slowly emerging is called the Oni Yokai [Demon Slayers.] The motives of this particular of trained shinobi have been found that they want to capture certain shinobi possessed by “demons” and to kill them off. But another rumor is that they want to develop a seal that somehow puts a shinobi under their control, like a mind jutsu. Not much is known about these two outlaw groups, but what is known is shinobi from all across the continent must train and study hard to become as strong as possible to protect their homes.
The world does not want to see a 5th Great Ninja War, so now we follow our young heroes of the next generation on their journey as they seek a new dawn, the Dawn of Shinobi…